English Pod 11 ‐ Daily Life ‐ New Guy in Town


A: Oh, I don’t know if you heard, but someone moved
into that old house down the road.
B: Yeah, I know. I met the owner of the house yesterday
as he was moving in. His name is Armand.

A: Really? What’s he like? You have to fill me in.
B: Actually, he’s a bit strange. I don’t know… I’ve got
a bad feeling about him.

A: Really? Why?
B: Well, yesterday I brought over a housewarming gift,but
Armand started acting really weird, and then he practically
kicked me out! I tried to, sort of, peek into his house, but
everything was so dark inside that I couldn’t really get a
good look.

A: Well, you’ll never guess what I saw this morning.
A delivery truck pulled into his driveway, and it dropped
off a long, rectangular box. It almost looked like a coffin!
B: You see! Why would he…
C: Hello ladies…

B: Ah, Armand! You scared the heck out of me! This
is my friend Doris.
C: A pleasure to meet you…If you are not doing anything
tonight, I would like to have you both for dinner.I mean…I
would like to have you both over for dinner.


Key Vocabulary

Key Vocabulary

I don’t know if you heard — phrase phrase used to introduce a piece of information
fill me in — phrase tell me about it
a bad feeling — phrase a sense or feeling that something bad is going to happen
weird — Adjective strange, unusual
kick out — principle verb, past simple make or force someone leave when they don’t want to
creep me out — phrase make me feel uncomfortable and a bit
scared you’ll never guess — phrase phrase used to introduce a piece of news
scare the heck out of me —phrase cause someone to feel a lot of fear

bizarre — Adjective strange or unusual
creepy — Adjective strange or scary, causing people to feel nervous and afraid
vampire— /ˈvæmpaɪər/common noun, singular a dead person who drinks the blood of living people
have you heard — phrase phrase used to introduce a piece of gossip
guess what — phrase phrase used to introduce an interesting or surprising piece of information

sort of 有几分;近似;有那么点儿
coffin /ˈkɔːfɪn/ 棺材
peek into 窥视
driveway 汽车路,车行道
rectangular /rekˈtæŋɡjələr/ 矩形的;长方形的
housewarming. 乔迁庆宴. this is a cultural thing
Pull into 驶入停下


bad feeling.
Voice: Example one.
A: I don’t like Kelly’s new boyfriend. I’ve got a bad feeling about him.

Voice: Example two.
B: It’s so dark. We shouldn’t be up here. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Voice: Example three.
C: I’ve got a bad feeling about this trip. I feel like something is going to happen. Maybe we shouldn’t go


creeped me out
Voice: Example one.
A: Schhh, did you hear that? I think I saw something.
B: Stop it! You are really creeping me out!

Voice: Example two.
C: This place really creeps me out. Let’s get out of here!

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