A: So, are we all ready to go?
B: Yup, I think so. The car’s packed; we have
munchies and music, and the map’s in the car.
A: Did you get the camera?
B: Got it! Did you fill up the tank?
A: Yup, it’s all set.
B: You’re sure we’re not forgetting anything?
A: I’m sure… we’ve got all our bases covered.
B: Well& let’s get going then! I love road trips!
B: Um… do you think we can make a pit stop?
A: But we’ve only been on the road for ten minutes.
B: I know, but I forgot to go to the bathroom before
we left.
Key Vocabulary:
all ready to go — phrase prepared, ready to leave
packed — Adjective full, everything is inside
munchies [ˈmʌntʃɪz]— common noun, nonvariable snacks, food
fill up the tank — phrase put gas in the car
all set — phrase ready
got all the bases covered — phrase have everything ready
get going — phrase start, leave, depart
road trip — phrase long car trip
pit stop — phrase quick stop for food or gas
We’ve got all our bases covered.
Voice: Example one.
A: We’ve got all our bases covered in case the hurricane hits. /ˈhɜːrəkeɪn/ 飓风
Voice: Example two.
B: Okay, I have my keys, wallet and passport. Looks like I have all my bases covered.
let’s get going
Voice: Example one.
A: I have the chicken, so, let’s get cooking.
Voice: Example two.
B: This house is really scary. Let’s get out of here!
Voice: Example three.
C: I have another meeting in twenty minutes, so, let’s get down to business.
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